Steph #hypnobirthed her baby girl BEAUTIFULLY, staying calm, in control, breathing through those surges & making the right informed decisions for her in the moment. I will always remember when Steph text on our Hypnobirthing group WhatsApp to say that during her early labour she really was enjoying her surges! She said ‘when I felt coming it literally is like you said, a wave! It gradually built up to a peak and then faded off again.. I was loving it! ‘
Check out her amazing birth story below, it covers #longlatentlabour, a positive augmentation, deciding to have an #epidural, staying in control and LOVING her birthing experience. How incredible is that?!
So grab a cuppa, and enjoy…
‘My birth story 💗
I did an online #hypnobirthing course with Kristina, which absolutely gave me all the tools and knowledge to be able to deal with whatever labour & delivery was going to throw at me as a first time Mum!
My labour ended up being very long, my contractions started on the Wednesday evening.. I had several days of on and off surges with my waters breaking on the Friday. The Hospital suggested if I wasn't in established labour within 24 hours then they’d like to book me in to help things along - I wanted to much to avoid any interventions but I just stayed calm, and confident.
I decided to return to the hospital at 4pm on Saturday and was put on the observation ward, I was there for 2 hours before anybody checked me - again I was calm and confident and breathing through any surges that came. Due to being a first time Mum, they assumed I wouldn't have progressed very far so wasn't a priority to check over but once they finally came, they realised I was 5cm dilated and needed to be moved to the labour ward. (Much to their absolute shock due to how calm I was!!)
I was quickly moved to the labour ward but I wasn't progressing past 5cm, I think this was mostly due to how exhausted I was after days of no sleep. Although my original plan was to avoid an epidural and hormone drip - I had these two things, because it was the best decision I could make for myself. I think because I made the decision solely for me, and I stayed in control of the situation, the rest of my labour and delivery went so well.
The hormone drip was started at 11:45pm, and I was told I would be checked in 4 hours to assess what progress I had made and if a higher dose of the drip was required.
Fast forward to 3am, I was ready to push. I was feeling my contractions at this point, topped up my epidural as I was given an hour to rest before pushing.
4am came, between 3am and 4am was the only time I actually slept the entire time - although I knew I was ready to push I felt so in control. I started to push not long after 4am, and was warned as I'm a FTM it could take up to 2 hours... 35 minutes later, my little girl was born. Despite a very fast progression from 5cm to 10cm, and a super fast delivery - I had no tears or injury and did not require any aftercare (I had done perineal massage, due to what I had learnt on the hypnobirthing course).
Thank you so much to Kristina for giving me the confidence and knowledge, to be able to absolutely LOVE my birthing experience and ensure I stayed in control of my own story through out 💗