One of my very first clients, Jenn, shares her positive birth story. Using all her hypnobirthing techniques to her advantage, Jenn stayed calm and controlled using her breathing exercises throughout her labour. Alex, Jenn's husband and epic birth partner, was an amazing support, and as a team, they knew how to make informed decisions that were right for them! I love Jenn's story because it illustrates how my hypnobirthing is truly for ALL types of birth. Jenn did AMAZING and I'm so proud of her!

''I did Kristina’s online hypnobirthing course in October which was fab as I was still working and due the following month. It gave myself and my husband all the knowledge to handle any situation that was put to us during the birth.
I feel like my labour was actually quite short in the end but not at all what I had planned. One of the reasons I chose to do a Hypnobirthing course in the first place was because my pain threshold is extremely low and I didn’t want to be scared to give birth. I wanted it to be as natural as possible and Kristina helped us know that even with my Gestational Diabetes everything was our choice and how to put that across to the midwives.
My waters broke at 5am on the 14th November 5 days before my planned induction. I had no cramps, no signs, no surges nothing so we went in as advised to get checked. I was given options at this point and after a discussion with my husband and using B.R.A.I.N we decided to stay and see if I progressed. After this my surges really progressed even though my cervix didn’t. The pain became a lot and I truly believe that the breathing techniques taught through the course helped me remain calm throughout.
I was finally took to the labour ward after 2 sweeps by then it was early afternoon. I was then actually given a hormone to slow my contractions as they were worried I was progressing too fast. When pain medication was discussed we again used our B.R.A.I.N and made the decision that actually I would need more intervention which was when we decided on an epidural.
Unfortunately this slowed things down and at around 8pm I was given the hormone drip to speed things up. By midnight I was ready to push. Again using the breathing techniques I learned I managed 2 hours of pushing but she was being a stubborn little thing. Eventually we were given our options and the next progression was forceps. At this point I have to admit I broke, I was scared, but my husband and midwife managed to get me back on track by helping me regulate my breathing and focusing on the only thing that mattered, meeting my daughter.
At 2:43am on the 15th November 2021 my beautiful baby girl arrived and at that moment I knew I would do it all again.
Thank you Kristina for helping change my mindset about labour and to break me free of the fear I had previously.''
Jenn runs a unique luxury gift shop along with her lovely Mum, you can check it our here & give her a follow on Instagram @thewishfulluxuryshop. You'll find lots of gorgeous bits for you & your babe, check it out!
